So the reason I've been a bit absent lately - I am pregnant again. Planned this time I might add! It does mean that I have once again contracted 'pregnancy brain' and am a bit all over the place and not my totally organised self. I also have a lot of things going on at the moment. I have a hen party to attend Saturday night, and a market in the local town on Sunday ( from 11-5, and it'll take me an hour to get back there from where the hen is taking place so that will be an early morning!). I've also been offered my old job back by my former boss. It may turn out to be more trouble than its worth, but I've pretty much accepted to go back part-time (3 days a week). So this week is all about finding somewhere for Smem to go those days, as she can't come with me! I've also signed up for another Christmas market which will be in the nearest big town, Maynooth, at the start of December. So work needs to be done for that. And..... I've also been in co...