Happy New Snowy Year

Snow in Ireland around Christmas time. That hardly ever happens. Pretty cool though. We looked out the window last night around 10:30 to see all this snow on the ground. Beautiful! Snowball fights and snowman building ensued.

It does mean Ireland is in shut-down though - we can't cope with snow! Might have to go out tomorrow though to buy food.

But I digress, Happy New Year to one and all. I don't normally make resolutions but I suppose this year I intend to try to be more positive and learn to live within the constraints of my life and not try to fit them all the time. (That means to not get annoyed when I don't get any crafting or new knitting patterns worked on during the day because Smem is taking up all my time!)

And the knitting is going well. I've started on a series of patterns for an e-booklet to come out in the next few months - sooner rather than later, hopefully!


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