Hats, hats, hats

Big Knit 2008 has started and thank God Sweensie invited me to join. I needed a fun, fast project after the fairy godmother. And boy are these hats addictive! Here are some pics of the hats to far... I'm up to about 21 at this stage so going good. I read on the Innocent Smoothie website about one woman who made 750. C thinks I'm trying to beat the record! Only have until Oct 22nd though so I don't think I'll get anywhere near that amount done. One Friday I made a dress for Smem. Only realised that she doesn't have many 6-9 month clothes and some of the 3-6 month ones were just too small now. I had gotten a cheapo pattern months ago. It wasn't so nice so I used the shape to make my own pattern. I think its rather cute - if I do say so myself! And a very happy half year birthday to Smem who was 6 months on Sunday. (And I believe a happy birthday to Sweensie too!)