Celbridge under water

The rain yesterday was ridiculous. One half of our estate was flooded. There were people out in boats today.

Luckily we are in the half that didn't flood. Thank God! I think Charlie would have lost the plot if our house had flooded as he's nearly finished doing up the house. It would have been awful to have to start all over again.

On other news, today was Emily's second time to taste baby rice and she ate it all up. Hepled by the fact that she could see her daddy eating from a bowl at the same time. She had a second bowl at lunch-time. Fair enough, the bowls are only 1 spoon of rice to 10 of formula milk but its still really good going.

On the crafting front, I have been in contact with Sherry who is starting up an irish quilting magazine. She's looking for designers and people to make up quilt patterns. Hopefully I can make up some cool patterns as it would be cool to be published. Imagine, being called a designer!


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