No Pics

Stupid google won't upload any of my pictures this evening. Boo!

So can't show you the coat I made for Molly from a really old knitting pattern I have. It's on flickr though (hope the link is right). Made that on Thursday.

So much has happened since the last blog, besides making coats.

Thursday was the first day the first panel meeting for Sherry's quilting magazine. It was a really cool experience and it was great to meet like-minded people. I'm not sure what I can offer the the panel though. Everyone else does lots of patchwork and quilting and know all the techniques and when events are on. They even know all the other quilters in Ireland, on a first name basis. So to be honest I hadn't a clue what they were talking about most of the time. The only reason I was chosen to be there is 'cause I'm not a member of the Irish Patchwork Society and I was a bit younger (I don't think I was that younger than some of the ladies there though, I think I just looked younger). It was really good to see what is needed when submitting patterns though.

And that lead to me having the courage to actually sit down and right a pattern on Friday during the day. Haven't sent it on to Sherry yet. I'm sure it's absolute muck but at least its a start. I think my patterns will generally be used for children's corner anyway as they are very simple.

The extremely bad news from Thursday is that I rear-ended someone in the car on my way to the meeting. In stop-start traffic and all so it wasn't bad damage but it was extrememly stupid. How do you hit someone when you're not even really moving?

And that lead to me being quite upset when I got home and had to explain to C that I had damaged his car. And more hysterical crying on Friday after C had talked to the guy I hit about the insurance, etc., as he started saying his neck was sore. So I'm now worried I could be sued and I don't have any money. Woo Hoo!! He must be taking the piss though 'cause we were barely moving.

So some very good times and very bad times.

Today was nice though. Myself, C and Smem went into Dublin city. There was a photographic exhibition all around Stephen's Green so we took a stroll around and then had lunch. Very pleasant and a nice family time.

Hopefully things work out okay on Monday with the car stuff.

Oh, and Come On Wexford in the football!


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