Funky Christmas Cards
Writing the damn things takes the most time though. Plus time to go to the post office and get stamps and then more time to go actually post them. And the weather has been freezing this week so that hasn't been pleasant.
In Smem news, she has a cold this week. Her nickname is now Snotser. The poor chicken! She does seem to be getting a little better now though so hopefully she is over the worst of it.
In other crafting news, I am working on a new knitting pattern - a teddy. I've a body made so he needs arms and legs now. I am also nearly finished my god-daughters christmas present - I just need to hem the dress.
Now I just need to start wrapping presents and figure out what I am going to buy for the remaining few as I haven't had time to make presents for everyone this year as I had planned (I was scuppered by the quilt I had to make for Irish Quilting, which it turns out may not now be used in the second issue but which may be kept for the third, so I maybe could have taken my time. Darn it!)