Free Pattern - Felt Bunny in Flower Dress

Materials: white and green felt, pink pencil, emboirdery thread in black, pink, yellow, purple and orange, polyester stuffing.

Step 1: Print off pattern pieces below onto an A4 size piece of paper and cut out all pieces.

Step 2: Cut 2 bodies from green felt. Cut 2 heads, one tail and 12 appendages from white felt.

Step 3: Use purple and orange embroidery thread to work a few daisy flowers on the front of one of the body pieces. Use yellow embroidery thread to work a few stitches in the centre of each flower.

Step 4: Sew the tail to the back body.

Step 5: Using black embroidery thread work straight stitches for the eyes and mouth. Use pink to work a few stitches for the nose. Use a pink pencil to lightly circle the cheeks.

Step 6: Sew each of the appendages together in twos using small running stitches around all edges.

Step 7: Position the arms and legs to the front of the body and baste in position. Sew front and back of body together with small running stitches around the edge, leave the top edge open. Stuff lightly.

Step 8: Position the ears to the top of the head and baste in position. Baste front and back of head together and baste to body, encasing the top of the body inside the head. Sew in position with small running stitches around the edge, leaving a small opening. Stuff head lightly and finish sewing head together.

Step 9: Violá


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