Meet Mr. Squirrel

This is Mr. Squirrel so far. He needs some clothes - a scarf or something. The tail took a few goes to work out but is quite good in the end. He will definitly be finished by the middle of the week so November's giveaway will be next weekend, for anyone who would like a chance to get a free pattern.

In quilting news, I've finally got to start quilting my quilt. Its taking longer than I thought. It took about 3 hours just to baste it all together. And now I've figured out that I need to pin each square before I quilt it. So its slow. But I managed to get a bit done today. At least now that I've started it half the battle is won.

On my blog reading today I saw a lovely post by Melissa at Day to Day
She's posted a little art video from Utube. Check it out 'cause its super cute!


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